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2005/03/18 13:57:57 (ссылка)

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Tartan Video has issued a statement in response to critism of its recent Wong Kar-wai titles. Here''s what they have to say:

As Wong Kar-wai fans and long-time consumers of DVD product it is most likely that you are already aware of the fact that Tartan Video’s recent releases of ‘As Tears Go By’, ‘Days of Being Wild’ and ‘Chinese Odyssey 2002’ contain Mandarin language audio tracks.

During the production phase on ‘As Tears Go By’ and ‘Days of Being Wild’, Tartan Video made many enquiries regarding the technical specifications of the materials it was delivered, but was continually advised that no Cantonese audio tracks were available and that these versions should be considered definitive. Thus the decision was taken to release the films in Mandarin.

In light of recent critical reactions to the DVDs and - of far greater significance to the company - a high rate of customer feedback Tartan Video is left in no doubt that, in the case of both of these films, the Cantonese versions are considered to be the ‘originals’, and we are now trying to obtain the films in Cantonese.

However, in the case of the Wong Kar-wai produced ‘Chinese Odyssey 2002’, there seems to be some confusion. All of Tartan Video’s pre and post-release correspondence with the agent responsible for materials, соnfiгmed that the film was originally shot and released in Mandarin and that the any Cantonese variation is actually dubbed. More significantly, Tartan Video has received the following statement from Wong Kar-wai himself, соnfiгming that the version it released was actually created and approved by him:

“There is minimal difference between the two versions [of A CHINESE ODYSESSY 2002] released in Greater China and the international version. The only difference is the addition of two scenes - one featuring director Jeff Lau making an appearance as a cop while the second is a scene involving characters played by Tony Leung and Faye Wong. Both scenes were not in the original Sсгiрt. They were added during shooting of the film to increase the festive element as A CHINESE ODYSESSY 2002 was released at the Chinese New Year time period. With the consultation of the director Jeff Lau, we decided to take out both scenes to preserve the vision of the filmmaker. I hope your consumer in UK will find this satisfactory. Best regards WKW.”

Tartan Video takes the issue of quality control very seriously indeed, and is currently in lengthy discussions about securing new and alternate source materials where appropriate. Please be assured that every effort is being made to ensure that a satisfactory resolution to this problem is reached as soon as possible.

Tartan Video would like to take this opportunity to apologise that its DVD releases of ‘As Tears Go By’ and ‘Days of Being Wild’ did not meet with the approval of all who bought them and to reassure its loyal customers that if we can obtain a Cantonese version of either film then we will operate a ‘new-for-old’ exchange scheme for those customers who would rather own the Cantonese versions. We will not, obviously, be releasing a Cantonese dubbed version of ‘Chinese Odyssey 2002’.

Please watch this space for any further news and developments.

Thank you for your attention and understanding.

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    MJ defender
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    Замена дисков 2005/03/18 14:21:37 (ссылка)
    Подобным образом "там" были произведены замены "дефективных" дисков Back To The Future, Jurassic Park (R1, DTS) и др. BTTF я "там" (за бугром) так и не купил, т.к. очень скоро за пределы США диски на замену высылать перестали. JP1 - и не начинали (посоветовали вообще в своём регионе покупки делать).
    Papa Dolphin
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    Замена дисков 2005/03/18 14:26:10 (ссылка)
    Цитата: Дата:18.03.2005 13:57:57, Автор: Kaban ::
    Вот как поступают нормальне компании на цивилизованном рынке.

    Tartan Video has issued a statement in response to critism of its recent Wong Kar-wai titles. Here's what they have to say:

    As Wong Kar-wai fans and long-time consumers of DVD product it is most likely that you are already aware of the fact that Tartan Video’s recent releases of ‘As Tears Go By’, ‘Days of Being Wild’ and ‘Chinese Odyssey 2002’ contain Mandarin language audio tracks.

    During the production phase on ‘As Tears Go By’ and ‘Days of Being Wild’, Tartan Video made many enquiries regarding the technical specifications of the materials it was delivered, but was continually advised that no Cantonese audio tracks were available and that these versions should be considered definitive. Thus the decision was taken to release the films in Mandarin.

    In light of recent critical reactions to the DVDs and - of far greater significance to the company - a high rate of customer feedback Tartan Video is left in no doubt that, in the case of both of these films, the Cantonese versions are considered to be the ‘originals’, and we are now trying to obtain the films in Cantonese.

    However, in the case of the Wong Kar-wai produced ‘Chinese Odyssey 2002’, there seems to be some confusion. All of Tartan Video’s pre and post-release correspondence with the agent responsible for materials, соnfiгmed that the film was originally shot and released in Mandarin and that the any Cantonese variation is actually dubbed. More significantly, Tartan Video has received the following statement from Wong Kar-wai himself, соnfiгming that the version it released was actually created and approved by him:

    “There is minimal difference between the two versions [of A CHINESE ODYSESSY 2002] released in Greater China and the international version. The only difference is the addition of two scenes - one featuring director Jeff Lau making an appearance as a cop while the second is a scene involving characters played by Tony Leung and Faye Wong. Both scenes were not in the original Sсгiрt. They were added during shooting of the film to increase the festive element as A CHINESE ODYSESSY 2002 was released at the Chinese New Year time period. With the consultation of the director Jeff Lau, we decided to take out both scenes to preserve the vision of the filmmaker. I hope your consumer in UK will find this satisfactory. Best regards WKW.”

    Tartan Video takes the issue of quality control very seriously indeed, and is currently in lengthy discussions about securing new and alternate source materials where appropriate. Please be assured that every effort is being made to ensure that a satisfactory resolution to this problem is reached as soon as possible.

    Tartan Video would like to take this opportunity to apologise that its DVD releases of ‘As Tears Go By’ and ‘Days of Being Wild’ did not meet with the approval of all who bought them and to reassure its loyal customers that if we can obtain a Cantonese version of either film then we will operate a ‘new-for-old’ exchange scheme for those customers who would rather own the Cantonese versions. We will not, obviously, be releasing a Cantonese dubbed version of ‘Chinese Odyssey 2002’.

    Please watch this space for any further news and developments.

    Thank you for your attention and understanding.

    Вот так...
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    Хых... да, точно, сидим и завидуем Кабану, за то, что мы не знаем Англицкий так же, как он...
    А что в мессадже??? Кратенько...
    Asian Cinema Team
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    Замена дисков 2005/03/18 14:30:30 (ссылка)
    Культура, блин!
    А все потому что компания Тартан дорожит своим добрым именем и не считает своих покупателей (а их я так думаю не так много) лохами и не руководствуется в своих действиях правилом "пипл хавает".
    Asian Cinema Team
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    Замена дисков 2005/03/18 14:31:50 (ссылка)
    Кратко - компания Тартан выпустила диски Вонга Кар Вая с мандаринской дорожкой, хоят в оригинаел фильмы были сняты на кантонском языке. Фэнам это не понравилось и компания решила заменить диски и извиниться перед покупателями.
    Я все верно понял?

    Кабан, а откуда информация?
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    Замена дисков 2005/03/18 16:33:03 (ссылка)
    Я все верно понял?
    Кабан, а откуда информация?
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    Замена дисков 2005/05/03 15:57:20 (ссылка)
    Вот еще один пример цивилизованного общения или, если хотите, общения как такового между компанией и потребителями. Ни первого, ни второго у нас пока что нет, так что довольствуемся имеющимся и завидуем нашим зарубежная коллегам.

    We recently received a communication from Metrodome regarding their forthcoming release of the 4 Films by Lukas Moodysson Ьохed set. It appears that some fans of Show Me Love are less than enthusiastic about the film's proposed 4:3 transfer. Here is Metrodome's official line on the subject:

    We have received quite a few missives from disgruntled DVD buyers about the May release of Lukas Moodysson's 4 Disc Ьох Set and would like to address the concerns and displeasure from the most honest viewpoint, free from conjecture and "back seat" DVD production that unfortunately fans the flames of discontent rather unfairly.

    While the sentiments of those who have emailed us are understandable, it is an all too familiar chorus from consumers who, quite frankly, are not at all familiar with the processes of independent distribution - an arena which is sadly not as blessed with the unlimited ancillary funds of a major studio. I fully expect this reply may "not be good enough" for many who wrote in and while I apologise and echo their disappointment as a consumer that the "definitive" release of "Show Me Love" is not on the horizon, I also am all too aware of the logistical reasons that are not always obvious to the average consumers, reasons that impact greatly on these niche releases.

    Quite simply, Memfis do not have a widescreen video master available. The digi beta was originally created for the VHS release by Momentum in 2001. Unfortunately, due to "Show Me Love"'s status as a smaller arthouse release, it was not cost effective to pay a substantial amount upfront to convert this in a 16x9 transfer and lose picture information which would have done a disservice to the film, or - always the most desirable - create a band new widescreen transfer via telecine from the original negative.

    We understand that completists are expecting the best possible releases of their desired product, but the reality is, that the business side of the equation takes precedent. It is a business after all. We were aware that many fans would not take kindly to this but we wanted the Ьох set to come out in conjunction with the release of 'A Hole In My Heart' and we simply couldn't wait for the possibility that this may happen at some point, someday, hopefully sooner rather than later. As an independent distributor we can only work with what we've been supplied. This may be undertaken in the future by Memfis themselves, but we wanted to make a true retrospective of Moodysson's work available that included his newest and his first pictures together for the first time.

    We are often at the behest of the original production company or sales agent with regards to these kinds of releases, in this case, Memfis Films in Sweden who have generously supplied and sub-licensed us with a film to create a definitive retrospective of an important European talent, which is in a 4:3 LetterЬохed transfer identical in ratio to the video release of 2001. It is not panned and scanned. In addition, as opposed to the current Region 1 edition, we have not used burnt in subtitles and have them as player generated. Memfis and Lukas Moodysson themselves are quite happy that we will have the best possible version of the film, from the materials supplied to us, available for the UK market.

    For a UK market that is substantially smaller than the market for, say, Criterion or other major independents, the cost effectiveness must unfortunately be taken into account lest we lose money on "wish list" releases and risk not being able to release anything at all in the future. With the continued support and understanding of the DVD community, we will be able to prove that the vibrant sales of such perceived niche product are worth the initial investments by the companies involved.
    Asian Cinema Team
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    Замена дисков 2005/05/03 18:48:18 (ссылка)
    Удивительно, что Tartan, покупая лицензию на выпуск карваевских фильмов, не уточнила момент двух языковых версий у продавца. Тартан довольно часто (и с давних пор) выпускает фильмы из Азии и с Ближнего Востока. Уж они-то должны знать, что проблема ОРИГИНАЛЬНОЙ языковой версии с такими фильмами возникает очень часто. И с гонконгскими фильмами, и с иранскими, и с индийскими. Более того, при покупке таких фильмов на кинорынке компании-продавцы часто сами заранее оговаривают, какими языковыми версиями они обладают.
    Что интересно, в Америке Кар-Вай и на LD и на DVD вышел с правильной языковой версией, значит она существует и доступна. Думаю, тартановцы не искали и не нашли, а просто взяли первую предложенную версию (что явилось ошибкой конкретного человека, заказывавшего материалы), и только потом заметили свою оплошность.
    Хотя в любом случае такое уважительное отношение к потребителям только радует.
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    Замена дисков 2005/05/06 10:59:05 (ссылка)
    Цитата: Дата:18.03.2005 13:57:57, Автор: Kaban ::
    Вот как поступают нормальне компании на цивилизованном рынке.

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    А Вы хоть раз слашили про отзыв АвтоВАЗа (по сравнению с какой-нибудь Тайотой, отзывающей сотнями тысяч ,если брак обнаружен)? Это проблема НЕрыночной страны, в которой покупают, что есть, а не что хочется. Привычка аднака. Я слышал только один раз, что Сони обнаружила брак в ТВ (по моему) и предложила бесплатную замену в Сервисе бракованных деталей.
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