Тогда вычёркиваем другие страны и пишем про то, что известно - "Captain America: Civil War".
Dr. Ross Geller, вы занимались вопросом кому адресовать. К чему в итоге пришли?
Можно вставить несколько адресатов. В этой петиции к Диснею, например, аж конкретные имена и должности написаны:
https://www.change.org/p/...ve-disney-channel-asiaВариант русскоязычного текста тоже полагаю нужен?
Есть примеры других петиций от одной страны в другую?
Если вставлять 2 текста в петицию, то стоит укоротить текст. Можно вырезать 4 абзац.
Lenny Nero, проверьте, пожалуйста, текст.
Dear Sirs!
We, Disney/Marvel fans and ordinary moviegoers from Russia, are writing to you with a demand to release certain production on Blu-Ray and Blu-Ray 3D.
We are talking about the movie "Captain America: Civil War". At the moment the film was released only on already outdated DVD format (without English language and subtitle and special features), and now we’ve received information that this movie could not be released on Blu-Ray and Blu-Ray 3D at all. Such situation doesn’t allow moviegoers to enjoy the spectacular film on Blu-Ray.
Besides that, it’s very strange situation, because "Captain America: Civil War" brought a good money in our country, and there is no doubt that many people would love to buy this release in Blu-Ray and Blu-Ray 3D.
Also there are people who collecting Disney/Marvel movies, which was previously released on perfect disks, with Russian and English languages and subtitles and many special features. We have no doubt that Disney/Marvel collectors would willingly buy that film for their collection.
We, Russian Disney/Marvel fans and ordinary fans of blockbuster movies, ready to support your products ("Captain America: Civil War" and subsequent Marvel and Disney films), providing it’s release on Blu-Ray and Blu-Ray 3D.
We urge you to take all possible measures to ensure that release (and subsequent Disney/Marvel films) can be purchased in our country!
Yours respectfully, Russian moviegoers.